For the next year (starting July 18, 2023 and ending the same day 2024)……
I’ll play The AI Optimist on my podcast and Substack, an instructional designer and growth developer for 30 years who is looking at how AI might benefit humanity in education and business.
The goal is to practice understanding the AI Pessimist's point of view and to create my own hypotheses based on their input and opposition to my scenario.
Create a scenario in which we as a community can practice intelligent and realistic discussions with the opposite AI opinions.
I will be labeled as a futurist, as a dreamer, as a hollow view, as not understanding how dangerous AI is, and not taking seriously the risks and threats among others by those who don’t agree with the AI Optimist POV.
And my response is to dream, realize, and refine the AI approach and explore how it might positively impact us all.
Like the oldest tech saying goes, don't predict the future, invent it. Together, from the grass roots of people up to the technology serving and improving our lives.
Build what we can imagine instead of accepting and encouraging a destructive force.
Or not......that's what this year long project will explore.